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  1. only-juve

    Benitez vs Del Neri

    Guardiola's biggest asset is the way he motivate his players IMO. Perhaps what Inter actually needed is someone who's great at motivating their players (benitez was never known for that). They already had a quality team (just like Barca under Rijkaard) but what barca lacked back then is a...
  2. only-juve

    Benitez vs Del Neri

    The same thing can be said about Benitez's team so far. They've had "many" injuries + some of the team's key players (ex. maicon) are really under-performing so far this season. Plus Benitez wanted to buy certain players in the summer but horse-faced moratti refused and thought they're better...
  3. only-juve

    Benitez vs Del Neri

    So far DN seems like doing a great job, but at the end of this season we can really say if he's better or worse. We've got to remember that even with Inter's shit start to the season they've still managed to make it to knock-out stages of the CL while we are already out of Europa league !! Its...