Search results

  1. Juventinho

    Neymar - Forward - PSG

    Exactly what i am trying to say, Neymar is not even here yet and he'd probably cost double that figure, besides as i told you i don't have much faith in Brazilians in particular so much drama so many prima donas. If you want to find the next Lavezzi or the next Messi for 5 million or even 10...
  2. Juventinho

    Neymar - Forward - PSG

    It all comes down to whether you are a risk taker or not, tbh i am not and i don't trust a lot of players outside of Serie A because i have seen tons of proven super stars and not just a ''soon to be'' who became utter crap after switching leagues besides i do not have faith in Brazilian players...
  3. Juventinho

    Neymar - Forward - PSG

    Lavezzi is already in Serie A while Neymar is still just potential. Lavezzi will probably cost half as much. We won't be getting Neymar.....ever :) Edit: Mind you, probably we won't be getting Lavezzi as well.
  4. Juventinho

    Neymar - Forward - PSG

    I don't think we have a chance in hell to get him, even talking about it is ridiculous, assuming we're going to pay the mountain of cash that will be asked for him we might as well invest it in someone proven already in Serie A, Lavezzi for example.