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  1. [Europa League] Manchester City v JUVENTUS (Sept. 30th 2010)

    Well, we all know what he likes. :D
  2. [Europa League] Manchester City v JUVENTUS (Sept. 30th 2010)

    Albert would get excited about balls. :dielaugh:
  3. [Europa League] Manchester City v JUVENTUS (Sept. 30th 2010)

    But it was a goal. :D
  4. [Europa League] Manchester City v JUVENTUS (Sept. 30th 2010)

    We only conceded 2 yesterday instead of 3...we are getting better Andy:D
  5. [Europa League] Manchester City v JUVENTUS (Sept. 30th 2010)

    Miami Vice Dusan-Wall-New Guy-Sloth from the Goonies Nedved-Platini-Davids-Mule Nose-God At least now we have two strikers that are actually scoring and hitting form. Giggity.