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  1. Ahmed

    UAE bans Blackberry services

    took all of 3 days for RIM to 'reconsider' I read it somewhere on Yahoo News.
  2. Ahmed

    UAE bans Blackberry services

    sure. shush!
  3. Ahmed

    UAE bans Blackberry services

    gimme an address.
  4. Ahmed

    UAE bans Blackberry services

    too blinded by the BB craze to get it done in the first place...they easily have the resources to have resolved this a lot earlier.
  5. Ahmed

    UAE bans Blackberry services

    get a room! :wub:
  6. Ahmed

    UAE bans Blackberry services

    the worst part is I just bought the Bold 9700 last week :sergio: it is their own laziness and greed that has created this problem. but I think they'll find a solution, too much money to be lost for the telecom. firms...500k BB users cannot be ignored!