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  1. icemaη


    I was just kidding dude. Its not all bad. The XPS is actually a pretty neat device. Not really. Even though I am more than satisfied with the laptop I have, I am aware of problems which some models of Vaio suffer from. Looking at your requirements, you should be getting business laptops...
  2. icemaη


    Just get ready to use the laptop as a plugged in device after the first year is over. And you can also use it as a heater when the one in your dorm room breaks down :P
  3. icemaη


    I think she should go for a Vaio with decent specs. Save a few euros in the process. Aush, Dell? :sergio:
  4. icemaη


    :heart: You know I love you :P
  5. icemaη


    I've had the sony vaio for about 3 years. The only problem I have is that on Ubuntu it starts heating up pretty quick. Other than that its been solid.
  6. icemaη


    Aush, stop taking advice from Sheik regarding IT products. He'll sell you the HP shit and make a neat commission from his employers :D
  7. icemaη


    Give me all the money you got. I'll send you the one which I use now :P