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  1. JBF

    Planck telescope reveals ancient cosmic light

    The 'tar and usertitle should help you know :stuckup: Same here. I've always been impressed with this science but in the end it's not properly taught here and I would have ended up being another one of those who works with nothing related to his college diploma. I regret it now though, I...
  2. JBF

    Planck telescope reveals ancient cosmic light

    That's why I gave the century as a time limit. The way I see it, unless all the efforts and by that I mean almost every nation's collaboration, there won't be any breakthrough of that level anytime soon. As it would take both info and experience exchange along with sincere unified desire to get...
  3. JBF

    Planck telescope reveals ancient cosmic light

    Do any of you here think space settlements can be a reality in the next century or so whatever the planet/moon is?
  4. JBF

    Planck telescope reveals ancient cosmic light

    It's in a better era than it was during the cold war. Now it's more of a business to the nations than a right to brag championship. And new nations have introduced themselves and their astronauts into this Science so Japanese, Indian and even Korean scientists in a Russian or a U.S space...
  5. JBF

    Planck telescope reveals ancient cosmic light

    This is the extraordinary place where we all live - the Universe. The picture is the first full-sky image from Europe's Planck telescope which was sent into space last year to survey the "oldest light" in the cosmos. It took the 600m-euro observatory just over six months to assemble the...