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  1. Luca

    So who's the fattest member?

    Why am I only 71kg when I'm 169cm?! I don't get why I'm so light, I eat loads and have a good amount of muscle on me.
  2. Luca

    So who's the fattest member?

  3. Luca

    So who's the fattest member?

    :lol: I'm pretty sure that 80kg is a good healthy wieght though.
  4. Luca

    So who's the fattest member?

    I know for my size I'm really light I'd take off in light breeze, but I'm in really good physical condition, not bony or anything, I eat like a horse every day I'm just naturally light. :D
  5. Luca

    So who's the fattest member?

    I'm 189cm and 71kg