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  1. Dragon

    So who's the fattest member?

    Tell me about it!
  2. Dragon

    So who's the fattest member?

    Where are all the fatties at? When does the competition start?
  3. Dragon

    So who's the fattest member?

    :lol: I love it! You're hired
  4. Dragon

    So who's the fattest member?

    All you tall members please introduce yourselves to me. I've always wanted a tall boyfriend and haven't been able to find one in this midget infested country:D
  5. Dragon

    So who's the fattest member?

    :lol: Nice comeback
  6. Dragon

    So who's the fattest member?

    :lick: :flirt:
  7. Dragon

    So who's the fattest member?

    You can come and weigh me yourself. Depends on what you call "big". Most of my weight comes from the junk in my trunk yet I'm still able to fir size 2-4 jeans and XS dresses
  8. Dragon

    So who's the fattest member?

    211????? For real?
  9. Dragon

    So who's the fattest member?

    I'm not sure. I'm guessing its crap because everyone is different and some people have heavier bones than others. Here they say that if you want to be elegible to be a model you have to be min -20
  10. Dragon

    So who's the fattest member?

    I'm 175cm 55kg The "ideal" weight is to weigh 10 less than the centimeters part of your height. For example if your height is 180 your ideal weight is 70kg