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  1. The Curr

    Belgium Bans The Burqa

  2. The Curr

    Belgium Bans The Burqa

    No, I'm not offended in the slightest. I just didn't get the "joke".
  3. The Curr

    Belgium Bans The Burqa

    "The Times" is a common name for newspapers. Like Examiner, Observer, Gazette, Post etc. There's a English one too. There's also The Financial Times and The New York Times.
  4. The Curr

    Belgium Bans The Burqa

    I really don't get it.
  5. The Curr

    Belgium Bans The Burqa

  6. The Curr

    Belgium Bans The Burqa

    Huh. Likely story.
  7. The Curr

    Belgium Bans The Burqa

    Who'd want to marry a Belgian?
  8. The Curr

    Belgium Bans The Burqa

    I couldn't resist. Belgian ban on veil awaits endorsement in senate ARTHUR BEESLEY in Brussels and RUADHÁN Mac CORMAIC in Paris Sat, May 01, 2010 THE LOWER house of the Belgian parliament has voted to forbid the...