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  1. Osman

    Edoardo Agnelli

    Only thing gem about is the innocent comment by JBF and Sadomins expected but slam dunk rebuttal :D
  2. Osman

    Edoardo Agnelli

    To spread ignorance and stupidity.
  3. Osman

    Edoardo Agnelli

    Oh, some spaces to fill? Is that what the clip and this "truth" is doing? I watched first clip, not that I need to watch anything to find this notion beyond laughable, and even for your standards, this IS laughable as it gets. Here's the description of the youtube clip: "A Documentary from...
  4. Osman

    Edoardo Agnelli

    Really pathetic Turk. I despise Zionism, but one doesnt have to stoop to bizzare lunacy and laughable crap of the Iran govt, which I bet they put out for lols besides just propoganda.
  5. Osman

    Edoardo Agnelli

    Showdown: That above zionist plot BS IS the links Turk posted. And the guy had little interest in running anything, so I had doubt he would have run Juve at all (just minor part in all of Fiat), unless he would have changed his priorities later. But the laughable conspiracies usually dont...
  6. Osman

    Edoardo Agnelli

    It was a suicide. I cant say I know the 100% truth obviously, but there has been really laughable anti semitic conspiracies regarding his suicide (his own family being in on it etc).
  7. Osman

    Edoardo Agnelli

    Even this is something to joke about with silly conspiracies?