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  1. Stevie

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

  2. Stevie

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    Your avatar gives me the chills. Its like staring into a wet tea-bag's ass with teeth.
  3. Stevie

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    Yeah i cant believe Bettega used that as one of the excuses to keep Ferrara.
  4. Stevie

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    The board should be sacked as well.
  5. Stevie

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    Id take any half decent manager with experience at the moment.
  6. Stevie

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    You are like the anti-Mark :cry: :D
  7. Stevie

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    Ferrara in boxing terms is more of a Journeyman. A "journeyman" is a boxer who has little or no expectation of winning his fights, thus he is said to be "along for the journey". They are generally competent boxers who possess solid boxing skills and/or the ability to absorb punishment. Often...
  8. Stevie

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    Forza John Elkann!
  9. Stevie

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    :lol: Thats vid is brilliant. :tup:
  10. Stevie

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

  11. Stevie

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    For the greater good they say...
  12. Stevie

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    Same here
  13. Stevie

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    Thats Guus? I thought it was Susan Boyle.
  14. Stevie

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    I see em! i see em! i see em!
  15. Stevie

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

  16. Stevie

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    Thanks Mark i will always trust your judgment when it comes to these things :D :beer:
  17. Stevie

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    This would be amazing if true but im afraid to get my hopes up.