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  1. Lo-Pan

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    Is the Goose game up??? Or is this 'we have always supported and had faith in Ciro' bullshit simply a smoke screen?
  2. Lo-Pan

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    We are talking about his role as manager...which doesn't fit the Rocky comparison or journeyman persona. In boxing terms, as a manager, Ciro is more like a paraplegic spastic. With just enough conscious awareness to know what he is SUPPOSED to do...but nothing more. In short, he is not fit for...
  3. Lo-Pan

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    Mate...we both know that Ciro is no Rocky. Rocky fought hard, and when lacking technique, he had heart to pull him through against opponents who on paper would savage him with ease. Ciro is the opposite. He pulls US DOWN to our knees against opponents who on paper we should crunch and destroy...
  4. Lo-Pan

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    Since first diving into the juventuz realm I have come to trust this man, more than I trust perhaps any other source of juve news...and if he says its Done, I will believe, that in the least, it is what Mark himself truly believes...and I will go with that. Forza Mark, Forza Juve...please, god...
  5. Lo-Pan

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    I have no idea how astute Guus can be in the transfer market. That isn't why I want him at the club. He has impressed me most when given a team, and making that same team, with no transfers, improve dramatically...South Korea, Australia, Chelsea...he didn't sign players to improve these teams...
  6. Lo-Pan

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    WHY is it a 'far shot'? When even after our winter break, we came out the blocks...still awful, against parma? ARe we, the supporters, truly, the ONLY part of this club, who can see we are in a total mess???? Surely the players can feel this, they KNOW when they are playing wretchedly.
  7. Lo-Pan

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    Have all the rumours died down to nothingness?
  8. Lo-Pan

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    He staked his reputation on the acquisition, and even if it was merely to give us a few days of joy and hope and happiness...for that, he should be heralded as a santa claus of sorts...the magic didnt last, but it was fun whilst it did. And I for one, am not accepting defeat in this saga yet...
  9. Lo-Pan

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    i will continue dreaming until Mark tells me the game is UP...
  10. Lo-Pan

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    I don't know of many experienced, proven managers, who I would say are truly special. Your statement implies something valid, but not accurate. As who are all these other coaches currently unavailable, who would be the best coach for the team??? I like Ferguson. Hardly a tactical genius, but...
  11. Lo-Pan

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    I don't understand why the severe sweep towards cynicism on this story??? And until I read somewhere that WE ARE NOT CHASING GUUS, or Mark tells me, i will remain hopeful. Nothing is certain, everything is possible...
  12. Lo-Pan

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    No worries, mate...I am an aspiring writer of sorts, and adore expressing myself as colourfully as possible with my beloved english language, hence the often...ummm...abstract nature of my posts on here. I do, however, especially recently, try to keep my writing on here JUVE rather than DANIEL...
  13. Lo-Pan

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    I rate him as one of the finest coaches above ground. And if we do manage to drag him, even kicking and screaming to Vinovo, we will see, over the coming months, just how good we can be. because Hiddink's main skill is getting the optimum output from a squad. He will take us to our maximum...
  14. Lo-Pan

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    Cheers, Albertmare...And please, if something I write, makes no sense whatsoever, tell me...My desire to write colourfully is nowhere near as strong as my desire to find common ground with the rest of the to your nerves...they are doubtless shared by millions the world over. Will...
  15. Lo-Pan

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    You have talent, Mark, for making me happy with so few words...:tup:
  16. Lo-Pan

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    Point taken, mate...but I wasn't lashing out by asking if english was his first language...I have nothing whatsoever against Fred, in fact, i quite enjoy his knowledge of the premiership. Lashing out, is not me asking to confirm that I am exchanging words with a non native english speaker. I am...
  17. Lo-Pan

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    So, if we are contacting people, surely we are TRYING to get Guus??? Is that a all too hopeful and dreamy assumption??? and also...has Guus categorically turned us down yet??
  18. Lo-Pan

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll writing something as simple as 'what is the story with guus hiddink' seems to me, extremely hard to interpret as anything other than, 'what is the story with guus hiddink'. Would you not find it strange for someone to respond to such a simple statement with a lack of...
  19. Lo-Pan

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    What is your opnion Khalid??? All smoke with no fire? Scolari simply dreaming, and misinterpreting CONTACT with an OFFER via his agent???
  20. Lo-Pan

    Guus Hiddink - Juventuz Official Poll

    I'm trying to keep my feet on the ground, avoiding the manic excitement which seems within touching distance overhead. As it seems too much to expect of Blanc, to hire the nearest we have to an IDEAL choice as manager. The small positive I am grasping at is this: Why have the board not...