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  1. .zero

    Google Wave!

    A lot of people think that Wave died hard and fast but that’s not the case. Wave is being used internally by Google and by some other enterprises. Until they refine it and make it more adept to slower connection platforms and possibly dumb down the UI for “average” users, then the Wave craze...
  2. .zero

    Google Wave!

    good point
  3. .zero

    Google Wave!

    yo B, check this post and join the fun Google can make anything happen baby
  4. .zero

    Google Wave!

    thats what i'm afraid of, greg i don't want to have to use a social networking site to get a job. i really hope things don't gravitate towards that even though thats what it looks like
  5. .zero

    Google Wave!

    use chrome or FF
  6. .zero

    Google Wave!

    you are right about that
  7. .zero

    Google Wave!

  8. .zero

    Google Wave!

    i refuse to "use" FB on a regular basis. i've been on it since 05 and still won't jump aboard that bandwagon i will not join a professional network site unless i really need to do so. personally i think all netowrking sites are gay
  9. .zero

    Google Wave!

  10. .zero

    Google Wave!

    yea i got mine this morning and i've been on it all day with the rest of these guys
  11. .zero

    Google Wave!

    yo B, i put your email id down on my invitations list. hopefully they will send you an invite soon
  12. .zero

    Google Wave!

    i know what you mean but i see it as an advantage. with all these communication mediums available it prevents me from treating people like shit by not having to deal with them at all
  13. .zero

    Google Wave!

    what a waste :sergio:
  14. .zero

    Google Wave!

    but now he's come out of his sleazy closet for all the public to see
  15. .zero

    Google Wave!

    :lol: you are turning into a complete sleazbag
  16. .zero

    Google Wave!

    to marty :pint:
  17. .zero

    Google Wave!

    good point
  18. .zero

    Google Wave!

    we needed them both debate over
  19. .zero

    Google Wave!

    you're on it with us right now and you see the potential maybe google should buy juventus(z) that would be awesome
  20. .zero

    Google Wave!

    jack was right the beginning of the end of Juventuz has rang