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  1. Felipe Melo

    Did you ever meet any Danish person who supports Livorno or Catania? Isn't it interesting, foreign people always support Milan or Juve? When we look at successful football countries, such as spain, germany or england. %99 of them don't support a team from outside of their countries. Only people...
  2. Felipe Melo

    ARRIVEDERCI :lol: :lol: :lol:
  3. Felipe Melo

  4. Felipe Melo

    Another one, what? Seriously, you guys just jump on the wagon because you see them winning all the time in their domestic league. I can say easily that I'm Barcelona fan because they are winning all the time. Why don't you support a team from where you're from? - - - Updated - - - You never...
  5. Felipe Melo

    But you're Danish :lol: At least, I'm man enough to support a team from my country. Who do you support? Nordjalealeidijenjded?
  6. Felipe Melo

    They sold Melo to us for 3 million Euro and we knocked them up with the player they sold us saying he sucks :lol: Juve in Europa League :lol:
  7. Felipe Melo

    Hagi, they're just mad because we just knocked them out :lol: