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  1. Dinsdale

    A Thought Experiment

    Right, and who decides what's black-or-white and what is not? Almost getting somewhere now.
  2. Dinsdale

    A Thought Experiment

    Maybe it's just me but doesn't this contain multiple self-contradictions? Anyone else care to comment?
  3. Dinsdale

    A Thought Experiment

    *In before people claiming you're curious about fucking your mother.*
  4. Dinsdale

    A Thought Experiment

    But we should try to get of it, don't we? You're either lying about treating them equally, or you're contradicting yourself.
  5. Dinsdale

    A Thought Experiment

    Isn't the whole point of morality that we try to stop immoral behavior?
  6. Dinsdale

    A Thought Experiment

    How should we treat gay people? Is there something immoral about being gay?
  7. Dinsdale

    A Thought Experiment

    How about being gay?
  8. Dinsdale

    A Thought Experiment

    Right, it's up to you to decide what I meant... If you really think that analyzing conventions is pointless, then that's what really is disturbing. If so, have fun being a gutless string puppet and live your life by the way someone else tells you to.
  9. Dinsdale

    A Thought Experiment

    Yes, but we can't imagine such a scenario happening in reality. That's what gives you the illusion of some moral values (not even all) being something superhuman. Excellent B-movie plot, but it won't happen in reality. And fully contrived to make non-believers look like immoral oppurtunists...
  10. Dinsdale

    A Thought Experiment

    Taking care of old people IS beneficial to society. It makes total sense to do so because when I'm an old man I want to be taken care of too. We don't need to be driven by something superhuman to do it, because we figured out ourselves it's the best for all of us. Not taking care of old people...
  11. Dinsdale

    A Thought Experiment

    You immoral pervert!
  12. Dinsdale

    A Thought Experiment

    That's because we can't think of a possible realistic situation where raping children doesn't harm society. Aren't you trying to defend a morality originating outside of the human mind?
  13. Dinsdale

    A Thought Experiment

    There will always be peer pressure, we can't avoid that. But pressure forcing someone to do something that he/she really doesn't want to is something different. If have no idea how Muslim society works, so I can't tell what kind of pressure there is.
  14. Dinsdale

    A Thought Experiment

    There are major differences between physical laws and morality, that show why postulating absolute (meaning they hold up at any time and place) physical laws makes sense, and postulating absolute morality doesn't. -Physical laws predict reality very accurately and unambiguously, which allows...
  15. Dinsdale

    A Thought Experiment

    Yep. Provided that they freely choose to wear it of course (I don't know what the case is in reality). And probably not in situations where a person is representing a neutral institution, like a civil servant, who's representing his or her state.
  16. Dinsdale

    A Thought Experiment

    Ze thinks you want to fuck your mom for some reason. :D
  17. Dinsdale

    A Thought Experiment

    Sound waves can be measured, independently from individual perception. So the analogy with morality doesn't apply. Don't you understand that the very fact that people can argue about morality already shows that there is no absolute morality? You're mixing up the definitions again...
  18. Dinsdale

    A Thought Experiment

    I have no clue, so go ahead.
  19. Dinsdale

    A Thought Experiment

    I think we implicitely excluded #3 already.
  20. Dinsdale

    A Thought Experiment

    Including the bold part: no Excluding the bold part: yes