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  1. Byrone


    :D You know i i only realised this now but for an atheist your a real goodietwoshoes.I mean no swearing,no drinking,no sex(i assume this because you live on the forum.:D) & you never hurl insults.If you do its in such a sly manner that your selected target doesnt even realise what hit me.:D...
  2. Byrone


    Much like gaymen that get married, have extramarital sex then come back home & kiss their wives/kids with the same dirty mouth.:agree:
  3. Byrone


    Its usually the quiet ones you have to watch out for much like yourself.I know deep down inside you crave buttsex.:D
  4. Byrone


    Rab you say that to all de gays in Juventuz.
  5. Byrone


    Its not so much you but you gotta watchout for Rab's hotdog & Bozi's bagpipe,infact ill start buying a few more pillows so you can cover your rear end.:D
  6. Byrone


    Fiore:touched: Congrats once again bro,your one of my fav members here.:tup:As for the accomodation its all good as long as you dont mind sharing the couch with Ahmed,Bozi,Rab, get the picture.:D