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  1. Rollie

    Dossena or Grosso?

    Dossena was pathetic today... very poor performance....
  2. Rollie

    Dossena or Grosso?

    You mean the game where Italy conceded on a corner, because De Rossi lost his mark? The game that the Egyptian keeper basically stole, with no less than 4 world class saves (and at least a couple other very good ones)? Again, Grosso is very far from my first choice LB for Juve, but I've...
  3. Rollie

    Dossena or Grosso?

    You forgot the choda! :lick: :inter: Seriously though, this can't happen. Dossena or Grosso just can't happen. If someone had a gun to my head, and I had to pick one, I'd pick Grosso. For the record, I'm not really sure which player the choda would represent. These players...