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  1. Ken

    Dossena or Grosso?

    The main problem there is that Holland and Brazil are about the strongest teams you can face, when you look at the sheer offensive power both can field. Especially the Dutch are amazing, but thats just my completely unbiased opinion. :eyebrows: Zambrotta is definitely crap though. Right...
  2. Ken

    Dossena or Grosso?

    Grosso was pretty decent yesterday really.. I'm not a Grosso-fan because he didn't suck in one game, but since there's a really big possibility of us actually going for him I thought it might be good to look on the bright side.
  3. Ken

    Dossena or Grosso?

    Grosso, definitely. Why we're lookin at either of these 2 though, I haven't a clue. Dossena has been pretty poor every time I've seen him. Grosso is a bit too old for my liking, thought we were past the acquire-30+ players after Canna.. meh :disagree: