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  1. Osman


    Very very likely he joins Milan, their midield needs a new player for the Seedorf role, and Leo likes this dude.
  2. Osman


    Cavevaghi shouldnt have wasted like 4 years in Russia, stagnated, would have prolly done better if he went to one of the top leagues earlier. And no player is a sure bet, but saying Keirrison isnt just some talent like Dentinho (benched a bit in Corinthians) or others, but already top scorer...
  3. Osman


    I havent seen him much besides Olympics last season, and 2 league games, but he is really good (not some talent, but top player), considered to be the best player in the brazilian league more or less.
  4. Osman


    Not really, NO ONE there scores as insanely as he does there, he isnt just a talent (like Dentinho, and others), but a nonstop prolific scorer 2nd season in a row. Most proven talent there.