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  1. Toro_Merda

    Tactics and Formations 09/2010

    But if this system(4-2-3-1) proves to be ''our'' system(which I think it already did) and provides the needed results, combined with good displays like last night's, we might consider adding a winger during the winter?
  2. Toro_Merda

    Tactics and Formations 09/2010

    Since switching back to 4-3-1-2 because of Alex will be stupid, how are we gonna implement him in our new 4-2-3-1 ?? It seems he is going to share his playing time with Gio now...
  3. Toro_Merda

    Tactics and Formations 09/2010

    Yeah, but virtualy with the Amauri red card and the Camo injury, both early in the matches, he was not able to succesfully exercise the new system...
  4. Toro_Merda

    Tactics and Formations 09/2010

    I am not yet convinced that this is ''for sure'' as you said..but time will tell pretty soon!
  5. Toro_Merda

    Tactics and Formations 09/2010

    Yes, he will be Melo's first choice substitute. He has the closest characteristics imo and will take part in matches against lesser opponents when Melo will be rested, Coppa games or in case of injury.
  6. Toro_Merda

    Tactics and Formations 09/2010

    Why would you need wings ?