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    Tactics and Formations 09/2010

    No he won't. Right now we have a hole between Diego and the DM. I want to move Diego in this hole and Giovinco and Ale in front of him to do the SS work. Both of them are better in giving defense splitting passes to be honest. Diego will play in the very central of the game where he can use...

    Tactics and Formations 09/2010

    Haha, for the ones who don't understand: Buffon Caceres Canna Chiellini Gross Sissoko Diego Melo Giovinco Trez Del Piero

    Tactics and Formations 09/2010

    No it's not. It's a 433 The 4 are Caceres, Canna, Chiellini, Grosso Midfield 3 are Sissoko, Melo, Diego Attackers are Giovinco, Trez and Ale I just showed where they are on the pitch. Ale plays as an SS like always. I only ask him to cover up the Zona Del Piero which he always does in...

    Tactics and Formations 09/2010

    4-3-3 Buffon Canna Chiellini Caceres............................ Grosso Sissoko........ Melo Diego Gio .....................Ale Trez :stuckup: