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  1. Fred

    Tactics and Formations 09/2010

    Sometimes its not just the formation thats the problem. Because frankly we've seen Juve struggle using the 4-3-1-2, 4-2-3-1 and Zacheroni's 3-5-2 system.
  2. Fred

    Tactics and Formations 09/2010

    Marchisio is such a quality player, he's getting better and better all the time. I said it at the start of the season, it would be a crime if he didn't start at the WC. Me thinks he has potential to be one of Europes best midfielders.
  3. Fred

    Tactics and Formations 09/2010

    Well i did say it wouldn't work in real life :stuckup:
  4. Fred

    Tactics and Formations 09/2010

    Ya true that. I've tried it in FM before too, works wonders when you want to go all out attack :D
  5. Fred

    Tactics and Formations 09/2010

    Except in a diamond midfield you should have two Central Mids playing in front of the sole DM. Camo can function as a CM, but Gio definitely doesn't have it in him to play that role. What Yamen meant, was Camo and Gio functioning as wingers, Diego as the attacking mid behind the two strikers...
  6. Fred

    Tactics and Formations 09/2010

    So true.