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  1. Fred

    Belgium is a racist nation... full of racists...

    This word is important.
  2. Fred

    Belgium is a racist nation... full of racists...

    Nope, you didn't.
  3. Fred

    Belgium is a racist nation... full of racists...

    I never said my reasons were standard of living. I said that even if the standard of living was the same in Belgium and the UAE, i'd rather live in the UAE.
  4. Fred

    Belgium is a racist nation... full of racists...

    The Emirati's know that westerners come here to collect money and then go home in a few years, yet they still bring them in. So both sides are benefiting here.
  5. Fred

    Belgium is a racist nation... full of racists...

    My country is African :confused:
  6. Fred

    Belgium is a racist nation... full of racists...

    Nothing wrong with that.
  7. Fred

    Belgium is a racist nation... full of racists...

    Would you rather live in Holland or in an African country assuming your standard of living stays equal in both countries?
  8. Fred

    Belgium is a racist nation... full of racists...

    Definitely. Did i ever claim otherwise? Was that not my point?
  9. Fred

    Belgium is a racist nation... full of racists...

    What do you know about UAE? Other than what you read in the papers/internet, see in TV.
  10. Fred

    Belgium is a racist nation... full of racists...

    No a westerner moves to Dubai because thats where he will find work. Job opportunities are a lot here, and the standard of living is high. Nothing wrong with that.
  11. Fred

    Belgium is a racist nation... full of racists...

    From that perspective, i think we are on agreement. I still wouldn't live in Belgium over the UAE though.
  12. Fred

    Belgium is a racist nation... full of racists...

    I don't understand. You are saying people move to Belgium/Sweden because that's where their heart is?
  13. Fred

    Belgium is a racist nation... full of racists...

    Wait, before we proceed further, i just want to ask you if you realize that i am not from Dubai? Because, in many instances you have tried to wind me up by dissing Dubai. :confused:
  14. Fred

    Belgium is a racist nation... full of racists...

    Ya but then can't we say the same about the many westerner's that come to Dubai.
  15. Fred

    Belgium is a racist nation... full of racists...

    Racial hierarchy?
  16. Fred

    Belgium is a racist nation... full of racists...

    But if they did, i personally wouldn't blame them.
  17. Fred

    Belgium is a racist nation... full of racists...

    No but some words have racial connotations, so for example if you called an arab a sand nigger it's racist. When you call a black man a dirty monkey it's racist. Now i don't know if Van Damme is a racist or he just said that word to get to Onyewu. But you cannot argue that it's not a racist...
  18. Fred

    Belgium is a racist nation... full of racists...

    Dirty immigrant.
  19. Fred

    Belgium is a racist nation... full of racists...

    Seven, I'll try to make this as simple as i can, so that you can understand. There is a big difference between calling a muslim stupid and saying that all muslims are stupid. You call a muslim stupid, that's not racist. You say that all muslims are stupid, then that is racist. Like if...