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  1. KB824

    [FML] Serie A 2009/2010

    I hope not. Serie A needs him
  2. KB824

    [FML] Serie A 2009/2010

    At least Ekdal seems to be trying
  3. KB824

    [FML] Serie A 2009/2010

    Let's hope Siena has more pride than Lazio
  4. KB824

    [FML] Serie A 2009/2010

  5. KB824

    [FML] Serie A 2009/2010

    This is getting ugly. Say Hi to my cousin in Frosinone next year, Lazio
  6. KB824

    [FML] Serie A 2009/2010

    Hey, here's a story for you. Let's say that Roma wins the Scudetto. What do they do in the offseason? The team is hemorraging money right now. Does Sensi sell the club?
  7. KB824

    [FML] Serie A 2009/2010

    5 minutes of injury time
  8. KB824

    [FML] Serie A 2009/2010

    What happened? Who got a red card now?? Rosella Sensi, I would totally do you right now
  9. KB824

    [FML] Serie A 2009/2010

    Its getting ugly now. That must be 38 yellow cards in this match
  10. KB824

    [FML] Serie A 2009/2010

    4 minutes left. Come on Roma.
  11. KB824

    [FML] Serie A 2009/2010

    And look where they are now. The mirror the National Team step for step, and they are both embarassing
  12. KB824

    [FML] Serie A 2009/2010

    I know, dude. I guess the point I was trying to make is that you don't need big time money to find big time talent. You need to have the balls to take the chance, adn the patience to let them develop.
  13. KB824

    [FML] Serie A 2009/2010

    Ok. I'll play. Palermo spent 12 million combined on Kjaer and Pasatore. Juve has the money to spend like a big team, but they need to scout like a small/ mid table team
  14. KB824

    [FML] Serie A 2009/2010

    You're right, I'm wrong. My Bad. But................ WHo Cares. Juve spent 25 million on Melo. WHom would you rather have?
  15. KB824

    [FML] Serie A 2009/2010

    C'mon Roma. Keep it together for another 15 minutes
  16. KB824

    [FML] Serie A 2009/2010

    Guess how much he cost Roma? 7 million. 7 frickin million Euros
  17. KB824

    [FML] Serie A 2009/2010

    The keeper never even had a chance to move. Pure power, all the way
  18. KB824

    [FML] Serie A 2009/2010

    VUCINIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man, he's awesome
  19. KB824

    [FML] Serie A 2009/2010

    I can't believe I'm rooting for Roma. I never thought I 'd see the day. This just all feels so unnatural
  20. KB824

    [FML] Serie A 2009/2010

    The game is far from over