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  1. Seven

    Debunking Dawkins' Central Argument

    Well, damn straight I'm offended by this. @Juve Revolution: I very much disagree with what you're saying and I think your arguments are poor to say the least, but I do respect you. I don't respect you, Ze. You act all civilised, but you're insane.
  2. Seven

    Debunking Dawkins' Central Argument

    What possible purpose would that serve? God telling the Devil "You see, I told you so"? He would have built the entire universe, would have created man, would have created free will, just to demonstrate his power to.. well.. himself. It's not even an experiment FFS. Let's say I build a...
  3. Seven

    Debunking Dawkins' Central Argument

    But we're not free. God made us, he built us. Which means he knows what we'll do. Doesn't make sense at all. You're saying: - God created man (so he knows what man is all about) - He wants to see what man does (but he already knows that both because he built man and because he is all...