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  1. Lorenzo De Silvestri

  2. Lorenzo De Silvestri

    Well that's risky...but efficient. Tiago as a decoy.
  3. Lorenzo De Silvestri

    Well, lets work on a new system. Lets call it the badass devil system for advanced inter-continental transfer economics. We can sweeten the deal with marchionni since he is capable of ousting players from their natural positions while playing in a position that he is not accustomed to...
  4. Lorenzo De Silvestri

    While you are at, can one of you two Einsteins persuade bayern to trade Lahm for Molinaro based on economical reasons. They will save more on salaries with Molinaro. And we will take Lahm off of their hands. Thanks. Yours truely, me.
  5. Lorenzo De Silvestri

    Oh I'm not saying that I don't like DC, I do absolutely. He is just pretty cut and dry I think. His crosses are golden. Not much of a right foot and you are right, I am not sure about his LB skills.
  6. Lorenzo De Silvestri

    He is pretty one dimensional if you ask me...get the ball, take it to the line and cross. That's about it, also tracking back. DC is a hard worker, but pretty limited I think in terms of versatility on the left wing.
  7. Lorenzo De Silvestri

    Will he play for Italy? Nope.
  8. Lorenzo De Silvestri

    Yes because Diego is italian