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  1. Toro_Merda

    Serie A: A.C. Milan 1-1 JUVENTUS[May 10th, 2009]

    Which is now gone for good!
  2. Toro_Merda

    Serie A: A.C. Milan 1-1 JUVENTUS[May 10th, 2009]

    We are going to get pwned on a Sunday evening game with millions watching...hope this will be the last nail in CR's grave!
  3. Toro_Merda

    Serie A: A.C. Milan 1-1 JUVENTUS[May 10th, 2009]

    Mellberg and Nedved are squalificati for 1 game. According to gazzeta we will start with Ariaudo & Legro as CBs, with Chiellini on the bench. Gio to start it..