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  1. Raz

    FIFA Confederations Cup 2009

    That would certainly add some quality to Azzurri attack.
  2. Raz

    FIFA Confederations Cup 2009

    Rollie, no i didn't watch, but i certainly believe that there were nothing impressive about current midfield. And do hope you are right about Marchisio :)
  3. Raz

    FIFA Confederations Cup 2009

    Drop it, as much as I like Marchisio, he isn't yet ready for the senior team starting spot. My hope he will be included to the WC squad, and if he performs well enough maybe eve a starting spot to try out. But now, he isn't ready in my opinion.
  4. Raz

    FIFA Confederations Cup 2009

    I would love for Ale to play in a World Cup, for a 35 year player to make it, it certainly is some personal achevement.
  5. Raz

    FIFA Confederations Cup 2009

    I agree then. And if i have mentioned that Italy is a poor team, my bad, i meant that this is a poor Italy team.
  6. Raz

    FIFA Confederations Cup 2009

    You have to agree that for a team that are world champions they do suck. And certain teams have to meet certain expectations, lets say Brazil would play like 15 team in the world, would they suck? That is not a bad achievement, but for Brazil, considering their history, the talent they posses...
  7. Raz

    FIFA Confederations Cup 2009

    I would like to add that they have been sucking for quite some time now.
  8. Raz

    FIFA Confederations Cup 2009

    Maybe it's a cultural thing, who knows. My advice, don't write off someone just because he is new or doesn't have instant rep with the old guys. You will certainly gain a lot in some situations.
  9. Raz

    FIFA Confederations Cup 2009

    Than its a bit sad. It's always nice to hear fresh ideas from new people, trying to make it a closed circle isn't a very good way to live in a society.
  10. Raz

    FIFA Confederations Cup 2009

    Totally agree on this. +Rep :)
  11. Raz

    FIFA Confederations Cup 2009

    That's a bit harsh don't you think? I hope you are joking about this here, if not i really hope that most of the guys here don't share this opinion of yours then.
  12. Raz

    FIFA Confederations Cup 2009

    I'm kind of Seria A fan too so i will support Italian team as long as it's not Inter. And if someone from my home league would face Juve it would be a hard time choosing for which to root, although I think i would go with Juve, unless its my home town team "Atlantas" :D a team I attended since i...
  13. Raz

    FIFA Confederations Cup 2009

    I don't think that Rossi has more passion than Ale. Del Piero always commited to the national team. In my opinion he wasn't that successful with Azzurri because he wasn't the main man there, he was used tactically different, he had different duties than in Juve. Btw, its Azzurri :P