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  1. Salvo

    Ranieri or someone else ; Part XXVII

    are u kidding? europe is an immense achievment for genoa.
  2. Salvo

    Ranieri or someone else ; Part XXVII

    who noes if conte would play the 4-2-4 here he may think that suits bari and not neccesarily juve.
  3. Salvo

    Ranieri or someone else ; Part XXVII

    conte may see the 4-2-4 as a formation that suits bari, not necessarily a formation that he would use with other sides.
  4. Salvo

    Ranieri or someone else ; Part XXVII

    coaches do and can change formation depending on players and team...
  5. Salvo

    Ranieri or someone else ; Part XXVII

    i would take prandelli, gasperrini or spalletti at this point.
  6. Salvo

    Ranieri or someone else ; Part XXVII

    yes but we have giovinco. but really i think that helped him but still credit must be given where its due.
  7. Salvo

    Ranieri or someone else ; Part XXVII

    pep guardiola also had no experience other than barca b team.....
  8. Salvo

    Ranieri or someone else ; Part XXVII

  9. Salvo

    Ranieri or someone else ; Part XXVII

    i can write in italian if you guys give me the jist of what you want written and where i can do it lol.
  10. Salvo

    Ranieri or someone else ; Part XXVII

    the only way we will return to the top soon is if the whole X amount of foreigners are aloud.
  11. Salvo

    Ranieri or someone else ; Part XXVII

    :cry: well suicide is the best option bye guys.............
  12. Salvo

    Ranieri or someone else ; Part XXVII

    i like spalletti's more TBH but replace silva with gio as were not getting him
  13. Salvo

    Ranieri or someone else ; Part XXVII

    i wouldnt want to see conte at roma or napoli TBH. at least this may mean no ranieri which is comforting.
  14. Salvo

    Ranieri or someone else ; Part XXVII

    its there 6 month anniversary:beer:
  15. Salvo

    Ranieri or someone else ; Part XXVII

    i guess but with no real other proven coach out there.
  16. Salvo

    Ranieri or someone else ; Part XXVII

    why not take risk on someone like gasperini? and surely rijkaard is better than ranieri.
  17. Salvo

    Ranieri or someone else ; Part XXVII

    i voted the most realistic person, gasperini look he knows juve well and is a great coach.
  18. Salvo

    Ranieri or someone else ; Part XXVII

    fake fans? look ive seen 99.9 % If not all this season. and i no ranieri isnt going to get us anywhere.
  19. Salvo

    Ranieri or someone else ; Part XXVII

    god were really aiming high arent we.
  20. Salvo

    Ranieri or someone else ; Part XXVII

    problem is our board think second place is enough.