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  1. Hist

    The Moral Law. Ratonality of Faith

    Thats the problem, that whenever someone new joins the conversation we start all over again.. i wish there was some kind of title post we can have to the thread.. you know the first post in most forums remains visible always in every page as the first post no mater which page you are on... is...
  2. Hist

    The Moral Law. Ratonality of Faith

    No need to re-do stuff
  3. Hist

    The Moral Law. Ratonality of Faith

    its all about time and culture
  4. Hist

    The Moral Law. Ratonality of Faith

    He is making the same point I am. The premise you use to arrive at the conclusion that there is moral objectivity is incorrect. We've been trying to say it over and over again
  5. Hist

    The Moral Law. Ratonality of Faith

    Yes nothing is really wrong... its all about what is more useful and more suitable to serve our purposes. Some may think a city should be ruled by its best wisest, smartest men.. others think its about the most popular man. Democracy is neither good nor bad it all lies within what the people...
  6. Hist

    The Moral Law. Ratonality of Faith

    as i said, its all about what rules to take and what to discard in order for a large group of humans to live together in the best way possible... we keep modifying the way we think we ought to be throughout time. Women driving in saudi arabia is immoral to the saudi who put the law. They...
  7. Hist

    The Moral Law. Ratonality of Faith

    What i am arguing is that rape at some point was moral.. but obviously we are past this point in time. Homosexuality has been regarded as Immoral throughout time in most places (hell people are still getting executed ofr it in my country).... people now tend to think its okay.. Homosexuality is...
  8. Hist

    The Moral Law. Ratonality of Faith

    ya lets chant some verses and everything will be alright..
  9. Hist

    The Moral Law. Ratonality of Faith

    i think a democratic country follows as strict Kantian ethics approach. i think they cant force it on anyone but they can be like "you have to be vaccined to got o the supermarket, you ahve to be vaccined to go to the airport etc.. "
  10. Hist

    The Moral Law. Ratonality of Faith

    Morality is created, edited and updated throughout history. Some morals differ from culture to culture and time to time but others things are always thought of as right or as wrong. (eg: murder,theft etc.) Why so? Thats an anthropological question but from my readings i'll try to give you my...
  11. Hist

    The Moral Law. Ratonality of Faith

    with the exception of humiliating himself to come down as a human and get crucified, beaten down and There is no denying that scripture like that of the bible or the Quran etc. are good sources for morality and ethics and they represented a huge moral boost to the nations that...