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  1. Snoop

    Diego, Silva or Ribéry?

    Moustafa hankash :D
  2. Snoop

    Diego, Silva or Ribéry?

    nah I meant the red things everywhere, see the page numbers, little username and all, and the sides are white. For a moment I thought it was a virus attack :scared:
  3. Snoop

    Diego, Silva or Ribéry?

    the fuck is this? :scared:
  4. Snoop

    Diego, Silva or Ribéry?

    you broke my heart, but oral job will settle it :excited:
  5. Snoop

    Diego, Silva or Ribéry?

    That's my point. The timing is so wrong, we needed first to build the team that can compete for the next 5 years or more, slowly step by step, then we could start saving for the stadium project.
  6. Snoop

    Diego, Silva or Ribéry?

    I didn't criticize them about the new stadium before, but he has a point here. Is it the right time to invest on new stadium,? when you lost your entire team 3 seasons ago. Wouldn't it be wiser to build the team, then the stadium later in 5 years let's say? You guys need to be more objective...
  7. Snoop

    Diego, Silva or Ribéry?

    I am undecided between Diego or Silva, I love Ribery but that's a huge sum out there. If I am not mistaken Silva can have more versatile positions than Diego, and since we have Giovinco who we can use it on the center too, I will go with Silva.