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  1. Rollie

    Diego, Silva or Ribéry?

    No Silva. DEFENSE. For the love of christ, a Right Back. Buh Bye Zebina, Hello Rafinha. Or Lichtsteiner. Or Motta. Or...??
  2. Rollie

    Diego, Silva or Ribéry?

    This thread is real classy like. Very nice. :eyebrows: :D
  3. Rollie

    Diego, Silva or Ribéry?

    By the way, good luck tomorrow. My best mate is a Gooner fan, and we're contemplating going to a place called Cafe Roma to watch the match. Damn English, always trying to stir up trouble.
  4. Rollie

    Diego, Silva or Ribéry?

    How can you say that I have a double standard here? I'm talking about a specific situation, where I didn't like the behavior of the player. If a club treated a loyal player like shit, I'd be pissed off at the club also. If a club took all of their grievances about a player to the media, I'd be...
  5. Rollie

    Diego, Silva or Ribéry?

    This is a day late, but I thought I should at least clarify my point. By the way, I was a bit of an ass Burke, so I apologize for being harsh. Anyways, to Fred's point. I wasn't trying to make all of our players out to be saints; clearly they're not. I also wasn't trying to say that players...
  6. Rollie

    Diego, Silva or Ribéry?

    What's ironic coming from a Juve fan? Giving a player his due (based upon his talent level) while stating that I wish he wasn't such a pompous whiner? I have almost never heard an intelligent comment out of Ronaldo's mouth. Additionally, I really don't like players who think they're bigger...
  7. Rollie

    Diego, Silva or Ribéry?

    I fucking hate C. Ronaldo's pompous attitude and constant whining... But it's nearly impossible to argue that he wasn't the best player in the world last year. Personally, if I was building a team and had a choice, it would be all about Messi, who's still only freaking 21 years old...