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  1. Juve_fanatic


    ^ :lol: :lol:
  2. Juve_fanatic


    I took me 2 years to make 1 mil vcash and now it all went down the drain.....Thank you
  3. Juve_fanatic


    But somewhere, deep inside of you, your greatest desire is to become one....?
  4. Juve_fanatic


    Calm down, calm down people!! This is an "ask a stupid question" thread. You ask a stupid question and you should get a stupid answer. THe reasons why you ask the question are not important!!!
  5. Juve_fanatic


    I have a question that has been bothering me for a long time: Does BUrke really puts his penis in shoes or is that some dirty joke, one of the many dirty jokes circling on this forum???