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  1. Snoop

    Orthodox Bruvvas

    ne oluyor ulen????? kadin benimdir, cok pis sikerim seni heeeeee :mad:
  2. Snoop

    Orthodox Bruvvas

    :D good to hear. all good here too
  3. Snoop

    Orthodox Bruvvas

    Thanx babe! how is it going there?
  4. Snoop

    Orthodox Bruvvas

    agreed. same can be said about Islam, Judaism and other religions.. :smile:
  5. Snoop

    Orthodox Bruvvas

    Still didn't get, am I hopeless? :P Well let's cut it short, I am not Orthodox anymore ( the easiest way):D
  6. Snoop

    Orthodox Bruvvas

    @ Boz: didn't get that :confused2
  7. Snoop

    Orthodox Bruvvas

    That too. But Christians who celebrate it at those days claim the birth of jesus if I am not mistaken (At least that's what Armenian orthodox believe, that it's the celebration of the birth of Jesus on Jan 6). Good point! Maybe this why I hate Christmas for years, they stopped putting gifts...
  8. Snoop

    Orthodox Bruvvas

    One wonders when Jesus was born, DEC 24? Jan 6? Jan 7? Jan 1? never (was that all just fake story)? what you think please discuss Martin's favorite topic :seven:
  9. Snoop

    Orthodox Bruvvas

  10. Snoop

    Orthodox Bruvvas

    We Armenians celebrate it alone 6th of January, see how special we are :D
  11. Snoop

    Orthodox Bruvvas

    Merry Christmas :superhapp