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  1. Yuri Zhirkov

    DO IT!!!
  2. Yuri Zhirkov

    All it takes is for Roman to call one of his "friends" and Yuri will go where Roman wants.
  3. Yuri Zhirkov

    Buying Zhirkov is so logical that even Secco could think about doing it. Like I said before, you start Zhirkov at LM and when needed in desperate/emergencies you play him at LB. The guy is good, still young, runs like hell and creates havoc for the guys marking him. BUY HIM SECCO!
  4. Yuri Zhirkov

  5. Yuri Zhirkov

    Play him at LM and in certain occasions at LB. Would be a great signing.
  6. Yuri Zhirkov

    Diego's been done, Ribéry will be as soon as rumors about him joining Juve come up.
  7. Yuri Zhirkov

    btw, I must admit it never happened. I never photoshoped one that joined Juve later. I USE PAINT SHOP PRO !!! :D
  8. Yuri Zhirkov

    F*ck you all and the horses you rode on.
  9. Yuri Zhirkov

  10. Yuri Zhirkov

    Pavel's gonna play most of the games anyway. Just buy him now before somebody else does.
  11. Yuri Zhirkov

    DEAL for Almiron and a pack of cigarettes.
  12. Yuri Zhirkov

    check check check check Secco is our GM uncheck :(
  13. Yuri Zhirkov

  14. Yuri Zhirkov

    What a coincidence, I juts Yuri'ed 10min ago. :D