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  1. Do you believe in Human Rights?

    What about spreading freedom??
  2. Do you believe in Human Rights?

    It won't be a better world but it won't be worse in anyway.
  3. Do you believe in Human Rights?

    This option is already used, Bes, under the fake umbrella of protecting human rights. I didn't say protecting human rights is not a good thing, but establishing such a charter without having the tools to apply it practically just shows how useless it is.
  4. Do you believe in Human Rights?

    Amnesty International is a useless organization that does nothing but words, words, and more words. I can write hundreds of books about the severity of the regime ruling in North Korea and the violations in Guanatanamu. But will that change anything in the real world?? Of course, not. Because...
  5. Do you believe in Human Rights?

    It was not me starting talking about my prophet. Anyway, you didn't understand my point of the strong and the weak countries. I meant that strong countries try to impose what suits them on the weaker countries. They don't impose things just because they respect human rights, but rather they...
  6. Do you believe in Human Rights?

    Ok. Let joking aside. What is the point of making a charter to force weak people (Countries) to adhere to it while strong people (Countries) don't care at all about applying it?? My prophet orders his followers to be good people. He doesn't discriminate between the rich and the poor people...
  7. Do you believe in Human Rights?

    My opinion is that establishing this charter was a waste of time, because it's not applied anywhere. We live in a Dystopia, not in an Utopia. And that results from the fact that people are not good people by nature.