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  1. Bjerknes

    Saudis propose global blasphemy law at the UN

    Pretty much. I heard that the Saudis have been lying about the amount of crude reserves they have. Apparently they say they have 50% more reserves than they really do, which spells trouble in the long run.
  2. Bjerknes

    Saudis propose global blasphemy law at the UN

    Exactly, which is why I hate their damn Cartel.
  3. Bjerknes

    Saudis propose global blasphemy law at the UN

    Not a recent phenomenon at all really. In 1979 we were waiting in lines to fill up our automobiles at record high pricing that caused a recession, all due to OPEC's decision-making despite having enough supply.
  4. Bjerknes

    Saudis propose global blasphemy law at the UN

    Buying them off? You mean dealing with them while the state of the country depends on their oil pricing? Screw that. I say invade those fuckers.
  5. Bjerknes

    Saudis propose global blasphemy law at the UN

    What a retarded proposal. Shame that the Saudis can do whatever they want because of their oil, but that's just capitalism backfiring on us.