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  1. v1rtu4l


    but ronaldinho already demonstrated he can play for a big club and that for quite a while not like joaquin who, until know only played good in a smaller club.
  2. v1rtu4l


    where did i wrote that i did not rate joaquin ? it just read like joaquin was out of form for long and our brainiacs think that everyone who is out of form will be an instant hit in juve, just because of the nice air here ... and so i said there are positions that need strengthening more...
  3. v1rtu4l


    is this another case of the bastian schweinsteiger syndrom, where we hope that a player will regain his form just because he is in another enviroment and plays for juve ? let's go for players that are necessary
  4. v1rtu4l


    at first i thought you was joa .... king !