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  1. V

    Diego vs. Modric

    Exactly, not in the least. It was a great goal though.
  2. V

    Diego vs. Modric

    Bwahaha! Here we go, he called me "the kid"! That is the pinnacle of your every argument. :howler: I'm older than you, spoiled brat. You're again fabricating things, I didn't call him that, he did that himself. Pay attention. I know it's reading and it's not as cool as making youtube videos...
  3. V

    Diego vs. Modric

    They're ugly fuckers alright.
  4. V

    Diego vs. Modric

    You still not convinced it was you who opened "the balkan game", must I show it to you again? I've also never said Diego is not talented, I said Modric is the superior player. Big difference. Than all you FM fanboys started pouring down on me, I had to play down the player a little, since you...
  5. V

    Diego vs. Modric

    Was that supposed to be funny?
  6. V

    Diego vs. Modric

    Then what the hell is this, Sherlock?
  7. V

    Diego vs. Modric

  8. V

    Diego vs. Modric

    And you Captain America, you're the biggest hypocrite I've ever seen. You call me a racist or what not after one isolated incident, after the Turkey match, while you insult whole nations whenever you get angry and get away with it every time because of your pals the mods. You're a fucking...
  9. V

    Diego vs. Modric

    You've fabricated so much crap in that post, it's not even worthy of a reply. Besides, didn't you say you were done with this thread? Go keep your word for once.
  10. V

    Diego vs. Modric

    I will and in the next WC as well. Go, go youtube stars! :vinny:
  11. V

    Diego vs. Modric

    It was a poor choice, true, he should have went to Team Hezzbolah with you and Burke. That's where the cool boys are at.
  12. V

    Diego vs. Modric

    Go put on a Hezzbolah t-shirt and make a youtube video with Burke.
  13. V

    Diego vs. Modric

    Haha, I wasn't even the first one to mention Brasil or Dunga, it was Rab. He said Diego is not playing because of Kaka and Ronaldinho, I said there weren't either at the last Copa. You came and basically said, that's not a valid point, Dunga is an idiot that's why Diego is not playing. Seems...
  14. V

    Diego vs. Modric

    I just realised the way you debate is simpy dismissing the other side's arguements. Well done. :tup: I don't mean Diego is a horrible player either, this all started by me saying Modric is a more complete player, which he is. You should have read the pages of it before you came in tried to...
  15. V

    Diego vs. Modric

    I like the way you sugar-coated it. :D
  16. V

    Diego vs. Modric

    Well I would if he was at a new club currently, he's not and Luka is. If Luka plays like crap after two years in Tottenham, like Diego did at Porto, I'll eat my words. Tiago is a viable comparison, you were quick to say Modric is flunking in Tottenham after 3 months, you didn't give the same...
  17. V

    Diego vs. Modric

    At that time, I would have, no problem.
  18. V

    Diego vs. Modric

    :D It was a joke, m_elayyan's.
  19. V

    Diego vs. Modric

    Whatever. New leauge, new teammates, new country, new language and not 3 months have passed. You cut more slack to Tiago I must admit. Second year going, you still belive in him adapting. Though Luka was pretty good the last 2 games, even got in the team of the week. He's slowly adapting...
  20. V

    Diego vs. Modric

    You get the point, you're not that daft. I never claimed Luka was the only one, don't make up stuff for lack of better arguements. Just a few post above, I praised our key players of the last few years. But Luka was pivotal in pretty much every game. What achievements? Beating England 2...