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  1. sallyinzaghi

    Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god

    But such is the nature of human beings Martin, they take everything and anything and misuse it for their own benefit. Condemning how people misuse religion, or say Islam, is fine and true, but condemning Islam straightaway with no knowledge or background on its teachings whatsoever is just ain't...
  2. sallyinzaghi

    Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god

    That's true, but other than discussion controversy (or as I see it provocation) can also breed something else that is more dangerous. It's fine stating your opinions, but not so when you offend the general public. Someone said it's different when you do it on the internet because the internet is...
  3. sallyinzaghi

    Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god

    I think the problem would be on how you express things. Say one guy in the UAE doesn't believe in God and wants to talk about it, if he wrote some sort of article on it, held forums or something, that'll be fine by me. I just do not see the need to offend and provoke somebody and parading...
  4. sallyinzaghi

    Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god

    That could be true. I'm not condoning the decision to fire him, but was speaking more on a general level ... People here tend to speak of 'freedom of speech' as something that knows no boundaries, even respect. Just got a bit emotional I guess. :confused:
  5. sallyinzaghi

    Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god

    Firing him was an overreaction IMO BUT somebody said this is not his first offence so maybe he had it coming. Look, it's as simple as this, what may be funny to you may not be others. It's as simple as that. If somebody were to go to the states and joke about 9/11 they'd probably be burned at...