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  1. Il Re

    Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god

    common guys, surely we didn't evolve from monkeys.........i have heard that every generation people are getting taller, nto sure if that counts as evolution though
  2. Il Re

    Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god

    look you have to feed it to them as a child, look what happned to anakin skywalker, wasn't taken in young enough...BANG before you know, DARTH VADER (in relative terms terrorist) and they didn't even listen to yoda (he's as religeous as you can get) so the bottom line is, the religeous...
  3. Il Re

    Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god

    realredice, stop smoking, it's not good for you!!
  4. Il Re

    Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god

    yes, very hard question, i was just curious as to what your answer would be, if you had said "absolutely yes the world would be a better place" then i would have found that a little naive when you think about it, it's an interesting thought though
  5. Il Re

    Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god

    answer this martin, if all religeon was destroyed, do you think the world would be a better place?
  6. Il Re

    Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god

    i think this surah from the qur'aan may be of use surah kafiroon بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَن&#1616...
  7. Il Re

    Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god

    yep, another thing that people need to consider is alot of what people think is islam is actually cultural, i.e. arabic or asian, i find that some of the best muslims are converts, i have english and an italian who converted to islam and they practice islam in it's true form without the cultural...
  8. Il Re

    Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god

    people are swayed to evil very easily, a terrorist will always think he is right, even the most evil terrorist, he will believe he is doing right, he doesn't think to himself, oooo i'm so evil hehehehehe i love being evil, that's the problem, when they justify being good, by the way, is it just...
  9. Il Re

    Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god

    post of the month :juventus:
  10. Il Re

    Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god

    do u care about your mum bes?
  11. Il Re

    Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god

    english people do have a culture, go to the pub and get drunk then get into a good old fist fight when it's time to go home
  12. Il Re

    Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god

    realy, hmm, interesting, in england it's most definately the other way round, but i agree with you 'just because someone goes to church or temple or mosque every day does not remove the likelihood of them being a lecherous thug'
  13. Il Re

    Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god

    :lol: where did that come from
  14. Il Re

    Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god

    Osman Juventuz regular Join Date: Aug 2002 :D
  15. Il Re

    Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god

    yea, that's what i thought
  16. Il Re

    Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god

    correct me if im wrong but there is not freedom if you have an opinion that the holocaust didnt happen but then get thrown in jail? wasnt it his right in freedom of speech to have that opinion?
  17. Il Re

    Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god

    i mean how far do you go with freedom of speech, in some countreis to deny the holocaust is a crime, lack of freedom of speech?
  18. Il Re

    Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god

    lol 7 times, and yea i know, i'm just trying to make an example of how you adapt to different places, i should have said saudi arabia