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  1. Afghan_juventus

    Zlatan Ibrahimovic

    Yeah I have no doubt in my mind that Ronaldo can still be an elite footballer into his mid 40's. I mean he's 35 already but physically in better condition than 99.9% of other footballers (if not 100%). Actually when you look at football as a whole, players are lasting at quite a high level til...
  2. Afghan_juventus

    Zlatan Ibrahimovic

    Sweden, PSG, Inter, LA Galaxy, Manchester United, Milan, Juventus, Ajax, Barcelona. 1573680361 In that order 4 me
  3. Afghan_juventus

    Zlatan Ibrahimovic

    Thats my point. No matter how knowledgeable they are on the game they will always be disillusion fucks
  4. Afghan_juventus

    Zlatan Ibrahimovic

    Was listening to a podcast in the beggining of the season, by a couple of brits who actually know a bit about football. Even they were going on about how Manchester United is still categorized with Bayern, Real, and Barca and they even predicted United would qualify for the semis of the CL.