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  1. cyril


    So how did you know that your friend "sucko", offered 14 million plus 50 percent ownership?
  2. cyril


    Shut up, yes if SUCKO paid that much we would have had him. Its all SUCKOS fault
  3. cyril


    [B] You're living in fantasies my friend. Napoli have been firm about their unwillingness to sell their youngsters, they want to keep them. Because as you know they are working hard on becoming a contender in the near future. Besides napoli rejected a 25 million euro bid from inter for...
  4. cyril


    The midfielder was tipped to leave the Stadio Olimpico this summer because he was annoyed with the club’s unwillingness to renew his current deal. Juventus, Napoli and Fiorentina have all shown interest but it doesn’t seem as if he will join any of them this term. “The player would have...
  5. cyril


    Hamsik is a no no, napoli wont let him go. I think we tried to approach him somewhere during this mercato, but they wouldn't budge. We're also linked with zabaleta, how good is he?