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  1. Rollie

    The Tiago-Appiah poll

    You're right Cyril - Tiago was doomed from the start. One can easily make an argument that he was never given a 'fair' shake here - especially by Ranieri and the media... and the fans fed off of that. Regardless, it's time to move on... obviously we all know that life isn't always 'fair'...
  2. Rollie

    The Tiago-Appiah poll

    With all due respect, I don't really understand you either lampard... Ranieri and Secco are completely ready for this player to move on. That's not a secret. If he stays, and is unhappy, chemistry could suffer. Of course it wouldn't be proper to bash a player who is playing well.... where did I...
  3. Rollie

    The Tiago-Appiah poll

    I understand the mentality you're advocating... If Tiago is a member of our team, then we should support him. Typically, I agree with this position, and if Tiago stays, obviously I'll be rooting for him. I can't imagine him getting an opportunity to prove himself, but in the rare event that he...
  4. Rollie

    The Tiago-Appiah poll

    Appiah? Seriously? I mean no disrespect, but seriously? Nothing against the player, he has some quality, but I'm fucking tired of the current status quo. This player does not represent a significant upgrade, he doesn't really target a pressing need, he's had health concerns in the recent...