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  1. rounder

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    What the hell is going on in the Arab world? It's like some sort of fashion trend.
  2. rounder

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    My last exam in 3 hours. Woohoo!
  3. rounder

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Usually, I say that when I think a girl's ugly. :D
  4. rounder

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Power nap for one hour or drink red bull.
  5. rounder

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

  6. rounder

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Being sarcastic. :D
  7. rounder

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    watching lazio-viola.. What an awesome game!
  8. rounder

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Studying for my Econ final at 6:10 in the fucking morning.
  9. rounder

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    I think it's legal in all or most countries.
  10. rounder

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    So you've tried Salvia?
  11. rounder

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    I've never tried Salvia. I hear it takes you on an insanely bad trip. Have you smoked it?
  12. rounder

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Finished writing my Rap in the shoutout thread I'm tired, but I won't bore you about my nap or anything about my bed Yeah, I know it rhymes, that was the purpose you stupid head! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  13. rounder

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Watching Family Guy.
  14. rounder

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

  15. rounder

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    My first ever jersey was a Man u jersey, I remember SHARP was their sponsor then. Shortly after that, I discover my true love in football and go out and buy a Tele + Juve shirt. It was an away jersey, the dark blue one. Del piero wore it when he scored that goal against Lazio from the edge of...
  16. rounder

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    You assume that I'm not. You don't know anything. :eyebrows:
  17. rounder

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    We don't have strip clubs here. We have whores though. I don't think that's demanding attention, is it?:shocked:
  18. rounder

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    I don't like attention.
  19. rounder

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    How can make that statement when you do not have the slightest idea of the measure of my finances? I can be a billionaire for all you know. :eyebrows:
  20. rounder

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    I declare a revolution against all greenies. That's right! I'm a racist!