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  1. Rollie

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    link? :P
  2. Rollie

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    What's Hist doing? I'm likely going to be at a friend's house, because he's got a couple wee ones. If we do go out, I would think we'd probably hit the Drive, watch the game with some like minded folk!
  3. Rollie

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    You are correct, Sir; I'm in Vancouver. I usually do hit up Toronto a couple times a year, though, to see friends and family.
  4. Rollie

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

  5. Rollie

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Perfect timing man, get those plants in the dirt!
  6. Rollie

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Laughing. This shit is ridiculous.
  7. Rollie

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    I hope god uses the GM of one of the teams picking in the top six "as his instrument" and takes Newton off the board before SF picks. That post game interview with Newton was :sergio:
  8. Rollie

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Cheers Luca, glad you enjoyed that. Definitely pass that shit around the UK... these boys need/love all the exposure they can get.
  9. Rollie

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Nice man, have fun. Gotta love weddings...
  10. Rollie

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Glad you like it buddy. Yeah, they're solid down to earth guys, who are in it because it's in them. They just love making music... need that shit like water.
  11. Rollie

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    :lol: Will do, buddy. They always appreciate the love.
  12. Rollie

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Glad you liked it buddy. Cheers :beer: Here's one that's from a couple months ago, if you're interested.
  13. Rollie

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Nice Martin, glad you thought it was OK. Yeah, they're working hard, grinding along. Good free stylers too, and they make some sick beats. This video has some pretty solid production value as well, in my opinion.
  14. Rollie

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Couple of my buddies from TO released a new video recently, and I thought you lads might enjoy checking out a little Canadian Hip Hop. Justis and Mantis are great guys, so I figured I should rep em a bit.
  15. Rollie

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Sick, sick team, right there. Beauty.
  16. Rollie

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    The man invented the kick-flip... nuff' said. Thanks for the link man, I haven't seen that clip in 10+ years. We used to watch that vid constantly... can't seem to remember the name of it though...
  17. Rollie

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    My buddy Chris went to the Masters with his dad and brother. They got their tickets well in advance of TigerGate, obviously. For some reason, he's not returning my texts right now... ;) Probably didn't help that I also just let him know that the Bruins will play the Sabers in round one...
  18. Rollie

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Yeah, we'll definitely have to kick it in the hangout... got a bit of a time change, but you guys rock the late night... which works for me. Anyway, I'm visiting with the fam in Victoria tonight (just got back from Toronto, stopped over for a couple nights), so we're going to start a flick...
  19. Rollie

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Classic... judging by the shirt pull over Andy's nose, all the beer you guys drank this afternoon has polluted your environment. Either that, or he's playing the part of the mudhole bandit... :D
  20. Rollie

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Fucking right. So sick of EPL biased coverage.