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  1. A_LAcki

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    only thing that saved my day..... the trailer of "brüno"
  2. A_LAcki

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    I'll join!
  3. A_LAcki

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Hopefully! btw. what a shit day! I found out, Amazon was sending my new football boots to a wrong adress, failed in my exam and Juve lost! It can only get better!
  4. A_LAcki

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    I really sucked in my exam today and have to try it again in June. Worst thing is, that I simply had the feeling, that I could pass it, but this way, it really hurts!
  5. A_LAcki

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Partly a reason why I stopped some years ago... However, I couldn't live without you guys!
  6. A_LAcki

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    What should I say? 6 and nearly a half. Can you imagine, that I witnessed the first post of Andy aka Andrea Becchi? However, I do miss some guys in here. Don't know why Dominic isn't writing on a regular basis here. Same goes to JKane and the first Transfer Guru of them all, Antonio.
  7. A_LAcki

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    haha, I know. Since I joined this board changed so much. But its really nice to see all those generations passing by. I was always reading in here through the years, but I only write if its better than learning :)
  8. A_LAcki

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Learning! It kills me. I have a exam tommorow and I just don't want to learn anymore. But is funny, cause I haven't been posting in here on a regular basis anymore, but everytime before an exam, Juventuz is keeping me happy and away from my books. I love it, haha
  9. A_LAcki

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Juve Matches should be played in the morning! I couldn't learn the whole day since I am always thinking about the game. And this is only the Genua Match! Chelsea was hard, damn!
  10. A_LAcki

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Done the exam. I have a good feeling! Lets hope I have done it I am very drunk guys! Forza Juve. We will win!!!
  11. A_LAcki

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Its hard for me to explain in English. Actually, many types of contracts have their roots in the Roman Law. The loan/rent contract, the "buy" contract.... all those things were taken from the Roman law.
  12. A_LAcki

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    The Austrian Law (and many others) is based on the Roman Law. Thats why!
  13. A_LAcki

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    what you mean with why? Why I have to learn it?
  14. A_LAcki

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    yes hm, sorry, I am learning who is the owner of the cow, that has been sold by a thief and such stuff :D I can tell you bout nemo plus iuris transferre potest quam ipse habet.... :)
  15. A_LAcki

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    I have to agree. Its the same with Austrian Law. However, I failed in the exam when I first tried it, but I am very hopefull for this time. Learning a bit more about the Roman Law made it actually very interesting. However, the rest of the exam is boring as hell!
  16. A_LAcki

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    thanks! i will need it!
  17. A_LAcki

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Roman Law, European Law, International Law btw. the weather sucks here too. We have never had so much snow in February. Most of all, snow in the city always looks discusting. Its snows and on the next day that Snow is black because of the dirt. This looks really awful!
  18. A_LAcki

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

  19. A_LAcki

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Learning! I will write the biggest exam of my life tommorow! God, I will get so drunk afterwards!
  20. A_LAcki

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    I like American Football. Lately, I even watch College Football. Really nice to watch! Guys, I am off to bed. See ya tommorow at the game!!