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  1. Happy Birthday Zionists!

    why should I trust your articles?You don't know my religion more than i know. your source says "It is believed that in Turkey between 1913 and 1922, under the successive regimes of the Young Turks and of Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk), more than 3.5 million Armenian, Assyrian and Greek...
  2. Happy Birthday Zionists!

    Aztecs and Eskimos too
  3. Happy Birthday Zionists!

    until you became russian toy and betray us. why did you open this case?I was trying to stay away from political and religious discussion.
  4. Happy Birthday Zionists!

    explanation is different. There is no Forced conversion in Islam.Islam says you should not harm any other people(whatever their religion).You can fight against them only if necessary(in war).
  5. Happy Birthday Zionists!

    ''Nonbelievers in Muslim lands are restricted so much that they must either convert to Islam just to live, or, they choose to die.'' false Nonbelievers,Orthodox,Catholic people etc lived peacefully for centuries in Ottoman lands.