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  1. Omair

    Happy Birthday Zionists!

    Ok .. true there are some ultra extremist who claim their actions justifiable but I meant that in the world's eyes .. Saudi system is considered an extremist, yet they don't teach us that .. it's not like Taliban here you know .. Saudi system is very conservative and have many extremists ...
  2. Omair

    Happy Birthday Zionists!

    I don't know of recent treaties .. I'm talking of the Ottoman empire and before .. nevertheless, with Israel, I never heard of a treaty broken by Arab countries ..
  3. Omair

    Happy Birthday Zionists!

    No .. Qur'an isn't written about Islam .. What we believe is that Qur'an is Allah's words to Prophet Mohammed, to be basically the law of Islam and the connection between Allah and Muslims .. and it's about life and Islam not only the latter .. problem is many anti-islamists analysts just...
  4. Omair

    Happy Birthday Zionists!

    And one more thing .. Lay low until we're superior again to wage war ?? What the hell ?? we're not low lives you know .. and our religion teaches how to be role models to everyone .. being such sly hypocrites is not what Islam teaches us :) .. Historically, I never recall an occasion when...
  5. Omair

    Happy Birthday Zionists!

    Burke, I didn't want to post in this thread .. but this post about Qur'an contains such wrong things .. first of all, I'm Saudi and our educational system is dubbed very extremist .. and we're not taught to kill off nonbelievers in case they don't convert .. I'm not a follower for the Saudi...