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  1. Il Capitano Alessandro Del Piero

    It's the same here! But I tend to think players will have more respect than just going in and hacking ADP. A couple of years ago a senior player made a "crocodile" tackle on an up and coming rookie, full twisting his leg and putting him out of the entire season. Heck I don't even know if he's...
  2. Il Capitano Alessandro Del Piero

    Soccer has always been the most played sport amongst kids in Australia. It's just perceived as a fun, less potential for injury type sport, which parents are more comfortable in getting their kids involved with. Professional sport is a different story.
  3. Il Capitano Alessandro Del Piero

    ADP seemed to be fascinated by the US so I really thought he'd go there. Coming here to Sydney is a huge surprise but I'm not complaining, would love to see the man in real life. Australians don't really like soccer (Alex will have to start calling it Soccer!:P), they love rough contact sports...
  4. Il Capitano Alessandro Del Piero

    A Serie B team would win the A-League with 7 players on the pitch.
  5. Il Capitano Alessandro Del Piero

    I've seen games where free kicks around the box go out for throw-ins. Let me tell you, it's pretty damn bad. Weekend amateur leagues are more watchable. ADP will run rings around them.
  6. Il Capitano Alessandro Del Piero

    Can't believe ADP is coming here - might attend my first A-League match ever! (unwatchable league!)
  7. Il Capitano Alessandro Del Piero

    ADP should have his own forum section - he is above legend status.
  8. Il Capitano Alessandro Del Piero

    The classiest man to ever set foot on a football pitch. It's too hard to swallow, Juve will just not be the same without this iconic legend :touched: :cry:
  9. Il Capitano Alessandro Del Piero

    Anyelli can go jump when it comes to ADP.
  10. Il Capitano Alessandro Del Piero

    If Alessandro is not given an additional year extension, I feel that Juve will lose a part of its soul that it can never regain. Let's show some real respect to our most well known icon, the eternal symbol and heart of Juve, and give him another year extension. Displaying our utmost respect...
  11. Il Capitano Alessandro Del Piero

    Angelli must be assassinated. As if the fans aren't protesting this decision every day in Turin?
  12. Il Capitano Alessandro Del Piero

    The man is coming to Australia next month :D
  13. Il Capitano Alessandro Del Piero

    King Alex!
  14. Il Capitano Alessandro Del Piero

    Class class class. What a man, what a player! There will never be another like him!
  15. Il Capitano Alessandro Del Piero

    When he hit it I thought it was going to fly into the stands but it dipped beautifully and found it's rightful place into the top corner. What a fabulous strike!
  16. Il Capitano Alessandro Del Piero

    Let him play with headgear or something!
  17. Il Capitano Alessandro Del Piero

    Brother unfortunately it seems that Juve management (mainly the kid Angelli) want him to leave at the season's end. We are all finding it very hard to come to terms with. Juve without DP will not be the same :(
  18. Il Capitano Alessandro Del Piero

    I hope Melo is right, I heard he was admitted to hospital
  19. Il Capitano Alessandro Del Piero

    Hope he's going to be okay. If it's a broken cheek bone or eye socket that could have been DP's final Juve game :(
  20. Il Capitano Alessandro Del Piero

    Showed his class after coming on and earning FK after FK. I hope he stays next season somehow